Xtra Time Web Desk: In a massive relief for SC East Bengal, FIFA on Monday lifted the transfer ban. The Red and Gold management recently cleared the unpaid salary of former player Jhonny Acosta. The club ran into trouble with the global body of world football for not paying the unpaid dues to the Costa Rican World Cupper. Acosta turned up for the Kolkata club during the time of erstwhile investors Quess.

Amidst the good news the Red and Gold officials received a notice from the All India Football Federation (AIFF) instructing the club to clear the unpaid salaries of three footballers Rakshit Dagar, Pintu Mahato and Abhash Thapa. The total unpaid salaries amount to 8.66 lakhs, failing which the club can face another transfer ban.

Meanwhile there is a cloud of uncertainty whether the club will participate in the upcoming Kolkata Football League which will start from mid October. East Bengal Club CEO Shibaji Samddar had a meeting with IFA President Ajit Banerjee and Secretary Joydeep Mukherjee in the presence of senior vice President of AIFF, Mr Subrata Dutta on Monday at the IFA office.

“We want to play in the Kolkata Football League. But the problem is the club is yet to sign the final agreement with the investors. We are not in a position to take a final decision on the matter,” said Mr Samaddar after the meeting with IFA officials.