Xtra Time Web Desk: Retired Italian football star Roberto Baggio was robbed at gunpoint in his home while watching the national team's game against Spain at the European Championship on Thursday, local police reported.

According to Italian media, at least five armed robbers stormed Baggio's villa near Vicenza around 10 p.m. One of the intruders struck Baggio on the head with a gun when he confronted them. The robbers then locked Baggio, 57, and his family in a room while they stole jewelry, watches, and cash.

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After the thieves left, Baggio managed to break down the door and called the police. He was taken to the hospital and received stitches for his injury, but his family members were unharmed.

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"Anything can happen under such circumstances. Fortunately, the violence only resulted in some stitches, bruises, and a lot of fear," Baggio stated to the Italian news agency ANSA. "Now we have to get over the fear."

Baggio, renowned for his illustrious football career, played 56 games for Italy and scored 27 goals. He was a key player for Juventus, Inter Milan, and AC Milan, three of the country's top clubs.