XtraTime Web Desk: East Bengal's star footballer Pintu Mahato was in Mumbai for a long period of time and he was scheduled to comeback to Kolkata in Abhishek Ambekar's car as a lockdown is going on in India due to the outbreak of COVID-19. But finally he has returned back to Kolkata in a flight as the government has given the permission for the resumption of flight service. The Indian Navy had arranged the tickets for Pintu, and after returning to home he is currently in quarantine at Dhadrasol Primary School.

Pintu went to Mumbai during the I-League season for two days to join the Indian Navy but couldn't come back as lockdown got started. He stayed at Navy Campus for more than two and a half months.

The good news is that Pintu has got the job in Indian Navy. Though he won't have to go to his office much, but if Indian Navy plays any game then he must have to play for them. Beside Pintu some other footballers like Mehtab Singh, Dalraj Singh, PM Britto and Navin Gurung too work at Indian Navy.