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Xtra Time Web Desk: The greater part of the world of football was outraged to hear about plans of a European Super League last Sunday, which could have meant the end of football as we know it today. Fans, players and officials alike spoke out in protest of the new plans, which would have seen 12 of the biggest clubs in the world break away from the Champions League System to form their own European Competition. 

Following the huge backlash to the plans being announced, all 6 Premier League clubs which were involved in the initiative- Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United, Tottenham, Arsenal and Liverpool, have since withdrawn from it. This decision came within a mere 48 hours of the announcement. Arsenal were among the clubs which apologized to their fans for being a part of the initiative. 

Among the remaining clubs, Inter Milan and AC Milan are said to be contemplating their plans to leave, with announcements pending within the next few hours if the plans are finalized, while Juventus and the Spanish outfits are still in the mum. It remains to be seen what comes out of this venture in the end, with a collapse looking imminent.